Wednesday, November 13, 2019

► Need a Lawyer? Let Us Help You Captive Insurance Plans, Want to Get Audite...

► Need a Lawyer? Let Us Help You Captive Insurance Plans, Want to Get Audite...


  1. The IRS looks at the pricing of premiums, how the captive's assets are invested and the operating company's risk management program. They also will inquire about the commercial insurance in place and gaps in that coverage, he said.

    “The IRS records their interviews in the hopes of getting someone to say the captive was put together for tax purposes,” rather than for legitimate insurance purposes,

  2. Trust,Beta 419,Millennium Plan,Bisys,Creative Services Group,Sterling Benefit Plan,Compass 419,Niche 419,CRESP,Sea Nine Veba, American Benefits Trust, National Benefit Plan and Trust, ABT, Professional Benefits Trust Benistar 419 Plan, nova trust, Grist mill trust, Sadi Trust IRS raids, Millennium 419 Plan,Bisys 419,Creative Services Group 419 Plan,Sterling Benefit 419 Plan,CRESP 419,Sea Nine Veba 419, National Benefit Plan and Trust 419, American Benefits Trust 419,ABT 419,Old Mutual, Allmerica Financial, American Heritage Life, Commercial Union Life, National Life of Vermont, Old Line Life, Security Mutual Life, West Coast Life "Grist Mill Trust" "Real Veba""Section 79 GEAR" GEAR" "United Financial Group" "Kenny Hartstein" "Millennium Plan" Kenny Hartstein" "Millennium Plan" "Tom Crosswhite" "Greg Roper""captive insurance" cresp "Ridge Plan" "Professional benefits Trust" "PBT " "Professional Planning Associates" "National Pension Associate" "NPA""Heritage Plan" ""Insurance fraud""pension and benefit plan fraud""insurance company fraud""ECI Pension Services""Pension Professionals of America""ABI""Hartford""AIG""Indy Life""Indianapolis Life""Advantage" Names of People who SOLD: "Kenny Hartstein""Dennis Cunning""Steve Toth""Michael Sonnenberg"Larry Bell""Scott Ridge""Randall Smith""Greg Roper""Tracy Sunderlage""Warren Trust""Joseph Donnelly""Norm Bevan""Judy Carsrud""Dan Carpenter""Ed Waesche" "Tom Crosswhite""David Struckman""George Huff" "Tom Crosswhite" "Greg Roper""Christopher Jarvis" David Mandell" Gen Von Oder Insurance Companies -- need to be 412 AND 419: Hartford 419, Pacific Life 419, PAC Life 419, AVIVA, 419, Indianpolis Life, Penn Mutual419,Bankers Life 419, John Hancock 419, Security Mutual 419, Transamerica 419,Prudential 419, Kansas City Life 419, Mass Mutual419, Guardian 419, Amerus 419, Wells Fargo 419, Fifth Third Bank 419, Arrow Head Trust 419, U.S. Benefits Group, Benefit Plan Advisors, Rex Insurance Service,Advantage,AIG, Old Mutual, Allmerica Financial, American Heritage Life, Commercial Union Life, National Life of Vermont, Old Line Life, Security Mutual Life, West Coast Life
